Memorable and positive interactions? 3 Simple Steps

Memorable and positive interactions? 3 Simple Steps

19 February 2024
Memorable and positive interactions? 3 Simple Steps

Buying or selling a home can be a complex and sometimes overwhelming process filled with critical decisions that need to be made quickly.

Drawing inspiration from Tom Ferry's teachings and highlighting 3 SIMPLE STEPS that we recommend to our consultants, to ensure that every customer interaction is not only successful, but also memorable and positive. Notes. 


Step 1: Set Realistic Expectations From the Start

Transparency is crucial. Inform your customers about what to expect, balancing the reality of the market with the assurance that you will be by their side every step of the way. By proactively anticipating and addressing any concerns, you minimize surprises and reinforce your position as a trusted guide.


Step 2: Demonstrate Empathy

Remember, for many of your clients, this can be one of the most stressful times of their lives. Showing that you understand their fears and insecurities by sharing stories of how you've overcome similar situations, either in person or with other clients, can help reassure them.


Step 3: Use the Numbers to Your Advantage

With real estate appreciation reaching all-time highs in many markets, it's important to use hard data to show buyers that delaying the decision could result in higher costs or getting less home for their money. For sellers, it is equally crucial to demonstrate the profit potential in the sale of their properties.

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